Buy tickets
Would you like to avoid the hassle of buying tickets at the turnstile?
Or beat the rush and get through quicker?
Or budget your tickets in advance?
Or as an away fan, make sure you have your ticket?​​
You can now buy all home tickets either online or using the Fanbase app.
Walking football

Our Walking Football sessions on Wednesday nights are proving a real success, with everyone having lots of fun.
If you would like to join in or find out more, come along to the next session.
With the recent bad weather and possibility of postponements, please check the Mildenhall Town FC Facebook page for updates.
​Any questions contact
Brian on 07885 979077 or Jon 07990 501187
Shane's Snack Shack

Grab a bite to eat at
Shane’s Snack Shack!
Open every game day for all to enjoy.
Be our 12th man

**New donation scheme**
We always try our hardest to put a strong 11 men on the pitch, but we need the support of our 12th man.​
And that could be you!!​​​
Sponsorship Opportunities

Running a semi-professional football club is not cheap, and we will always welcome sponsors.
We have many different options available, depending on how much you want to get your brand out into the community, and also based on your budget. Please see what options are available.