Walking Football

Our first walking football session was a great success on Wednesday 9th October. Our second, on 16th October was even better, with 18 people turning up.
But we are always keen for more people to join us. The more the merrier. So please come along to our next session and see how much fun it is.
Time: Wednesday 23rdh October 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Place: The Riverside Stadium, IP28 7HG
How much: The session is free to attend
Who: Anyone over 35, men AND women
Why: Come along and reap the benefits of this great activity.
Any questions contact Brian on 07885 979077 or Jon 07990 501187
Fun, friendship and fitness: the benefits of walking football
According to The Walking Football Association (WFA) these benefits can include:
Physical benefits
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and strokes.
Improvement in blood pressure, cholesterol, resting heart rate, blood sugar levels and bone density.
Promotion of positive changes in postural balance.
Mental benefits
Reduced anxiety and depression, as a result of increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
Increased social inclusion, particularly for those living with a disease such as Parkinson’s 1
Social benefits
Reduced loneliness, giving often isolated individuals the chance to become involved in a team sport and make new friends.